Obituary in Salt Lake Tribune for Jennie Nevitt Ney Barber
Thursday, August 20, 2020 11:21 PM

1921 ~ 2016
Jennie Nevitt Ney Barber born on October 20th 1921 and passed away on September 12th 2016 is being remembered and will always be cherished by her loved ones. Jennie is a special soul who cared for many grandchildren and always wanted to help anyone who came into her life. From a homeless person, to a new grandchild. Jennie had a quick wit and a soft heart. Her memory lives on. If you are a family member and wish to get a token of Jennie's life in the form of a coin, contact Ryan at 808-365-6628 or write:

Published in Salt Lake Tribune on Oct. 20, 2018

Additional information about the Ryan Richard Thompson family lineage from present times
Thursday, August 20, 2020 11:20 PM

Some additional history for the Richard Glen Thompson lineage.

A eulogy written by Richard's son Ryan Thompson can be read here;

A memorial website for Richard Glen Thompson's late son Justin Jared Thompson can be found here;

Archives can be found here;

Jennie Nevitt Ney Barber 10.20.1921 to 09.12.2016 Tribute to music
Thursday, August 20, 2020 11:18 PM
Visiting Cumbria England and Carlisle Castle in 2017
Thursday, August 20, 2020 11:17 PM

Visiting Cumbria England and Carlisle Castle in 2017

In the line of Ryan Richard Thompson, there are several branches of family that resided in Carlisle, some from 500-700+ years ago.
Both my mother and father's lineages have a long and interesting history in Cumbria UK, AKA Cumberland.

This video comes from a recent trip that we took to the U.K and Ireland.  This is one of many videos that we are publishing from this journey.

In this particular video we document Carlisle Castle, Carlisle Cathedral, and the underground walk way between the two where there is a "Curse stone: that represents a curst that a 14th century bishop put on the reiver families of the area.   My family name is located in this monument to the curse.    click here for the video


Jennie Nevitt Ney Barber with great grand son Iriel Martin Thompson
Birth: October 20, 1921 35 36Vermillon, Alberta, Canada
Death: Jennie died of natural causes at the age of 94.September 12, 2016Orem, Utah, Utah, USA
Jennie Nevitt Ney Barber with her great great grandson Iriel Martin Thompson
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